AKC Trick Dog
Novice- 10 tricks
CGC Certificate on record with the AKC counts as 5 tricks. If CGC title isn’t earned then 10 tricks are needed for Novice title.
Balance Beam- a few inches off the ground
Bark on cue
Fetch it and give item to handler
Find it-treat hidden under cup
Get your_____ (any item)
Get in a box
Get on – low platform all 4 paws
Hand signals for (sit, down, come)
High Five
Hold- 3 seconds
Jump- hoop or low bar
Kennel up- go in crate until released
Kiss-point to cheek
Paws up-2 front paws on a stool or step
Push-up (sit, down, sit, down, sit down)
Shake hands
Spin in a circle
Touch it- hand or target stick
Handlers choice (any 2 other tricks)
Balance treat on nose
Carry- a basket
Crawl- dog on belly at least 5 feet
Fetch it- 20 feet
Game (dog manipulates interactive canine game)
Go find- handler hides and dog goes and finds
Hand Signals (sit, down, come, sit, down, come)
Jump through handlers arms
Leg Weave
Paws Up on handlers arm
Pull a toy on a string
Push button on sound, toy piano, turn on audiotape
Shell game -find one treat under 3 cups
Sit pretty
Wave goodbye
Weave Poles
Wobble board
Handers choice for up to 2 tricks
Back up- walk backwards
Balance treat on the nose, flip to eat when told “ok”
Barrel- roll with 2 paws, or stand on with 4
Bow- like take a bow
Circle left circle right
Cover your eyes
Cover-up with a Blanket
Go Hide (under a table)
Head down
Hide your head (under Blanket, front arm over head)
Jump into handlers arms
Jump over handlers back
Light- turn on pressure sensitive light
Open door of mailbox, toy refrigerator, get object
Play dead
Scent articles
Sit or down at a distance 15’
Tissues out of a box
Toys (take to and drop in box)
Weave Poles – no lure
Handlers Choice for 2 tricks
Must have first 3 trick titles on record. The dog/handler must perform a tricks routine that includes at least 2 intermediate tricks an 2 advanced tricks.
Novice- 10 tricks
CGC Certificate on record with the AKC counts as 5 tricks. If CGC title isn’t earned then 10 tricks are needed for Novice title.
Balance Beam- a few inches off the ground
Bark on cue
Fetch it and give item to handler
Find it-treat hidden under cup
Get your_____ (any item)
Get in a box
Get on – low platform all 4 paws
Hand signals for (sit, down, come)
High Five
Hold- 3 seconds
Jump- hoop or low bar
Kennel up- go in crate until released
Kiss-point to cheek
Paws up-2 front paws on a stool or step
Push-up (sit, down, sit, down, sit down)
Shake hands
Spin in a circle
Touch it- hand or target stick
Handlers choice (any 2 other tricks)
Balance treat on nose
Carry- a basket
Crawl- dog on belly at least 5 feet
Fetch it- 20 feet
Game (dog manipulates interactive canine game)
Go find- handler hides and dog goes and finds
Hand Signals (sit, down, come, sit, down, come)
Jump through handlers arms
Leg Weave
Paws Up on handlers arm
Pull a toy on a string
Push button on sound, toy piano, turn on audiotape
Shell game -find one treat under 3 cups
Sit pretty
Wave goodbye
Weave Poles
Wobble board
Handers choice for up to 2 tricks
Back up- walk backwards
Balance treat on the nose, flip to eat when told “ok”
Barrel- roll with 2 paws, or stand on with 4
Bow- like take a bow
Circle left circle right
Cover your eyes
Cover-up with a Blanket
Go Hide (under a table)
Head down
Hide your head (under Blanket, front arm over head)
Jump into handlers arms
Jump over handlers back
Light- turn on pressure sensitive light
Open door of mailbox, toy refrigerator, get object
Play dead
Scent articles
Sit or down at a distance 15’
Tissues out of a box
Toys (take to and drop in box)
Weave Poles – no lure
Handlers Choice for 2 tricks
Must have first 3 trick titles on record. The dog/handler must perform a tricks routine that includes at least 2 intermediate tricks an 2 advanced tricks.